Friday, December 11, 2009

cookies, sailor moon, and everyday life

The above image is of some cheap copy of oreo's. I decided they are my favorite cookie. Why? Read the label. "Twist and Shout." OH YEAH. Beatles reference, for the win. Whoever designed this package is my hero.

hello, nonexistant readers. how was your day?

today i'd like to talk about certain awesome things in my life. A bit of a testimonial. But I just typed out three enormous paragraphs about it, and then I decided, nobody's gonna read all that. so. here's a few concluding thoughts that i have learned from my experiences;

1. God tested Job immensely, and then paid back double. I got the same thing; intense testing, double rewards. God loves.
2. everything the Bible has to say about fools, mockers, hot-tempered people, etc, is TRUE. Believe it.
3. Listen to the friends whom you know have purely good intentions.
4. be careful on who you rely on
5. pick your friends wisely. Only let super close the ones who you KNOW won't hurt you.

I could think of some other nuggets but i'll leave it alone for now.

so in other news;

1. One of my best friends had been in the hospital for a bout a month. She was supposed to be in there for a lot longer but now she's doing great, and is home already! Woo! She deserves a high five.

2. the boy I like is now single. nuff said? nuff said. yup.

3. I'm watching Sailor Moon. I'm twelve episodes in and can't stop! it's sooo cute! haha! Luna the cat is ADORABLE. Btw, if you watch anime, its good to watch it on Myspace. easier than youtube. anime is the only reason I get on myspace.

4. I know what i wanna be, career-wise. I really wanna be an Editor. I'm already proofing and editing for a friend of mine, and he says i'm good at it. I've talked to my writing teacher about stuff like scholarships, and shall do more interwebz research. I just love writing. Whenever i see a poorly written paragraph, i just look at it and twitch... MUST... rewrite... paragraph... haha.

it looks like it's time for today's Lyrics. Let's go with some jazz. oooooooh yeaaaaaaaahhh.

sunday morning, rain is falling

steal some covers, share some skin
clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable,
you twist to fit the mold that I am in
but things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
and I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew
that someday it would bring me back to you
that someday it would bring me back to you

~Sunday Morning, by Maroon 5.

And that's all for now! if you read this please subscribe and comment!

much love,

1 comment:

  1. twist & shout cookies rock! they are my new favorite as well :)

    ummmm i feel pretty special, being mentioned in your blog and all. geeeshh ::blushes::

    are you following mine?

    k loves ya

