Friday, October 30, 2009

boulders [first draft! critique please?]

[Okay, so I wrote this last night. It's a songpoemsomethingorother. Not related to real life events, just a random rush of imagination. it's a story about a boy and a girl (obviously). the boy just lost his grandfather. that's why hes in the hospital. this particular boy does not like crying. at all. he thinks its a sign of weakness. All his friends and family left him alone, because that's what this guy normally likes. he's a lonerrrr. Except there's one girl, who happens to be good friends with him and also has a crush on him. She takes it up as her responsibility to be there for him in his hard times; to teach him it's okay to let go and lean on others; and also that he can trust her. He ends up cryin on her shoulder, obviously. Enjoy? ^_^]

She sees you in the hospital
head down, hands clasped before you
it seems you've lost it all
and she's been put there for you

you're glad the room is empty
because you're losing control
cuz when you keep it to yourself
it's hard not to let go

your friends left you alone
thought it'ss what you'd prefer
you might've thought so too...
...if not for her.

sometimes you gotta cry on a shoulder
there are times when you've got a boulder
times when you feel far older
far more weary than you need to feel

cuz she wouldn't leave you alone
not at a time like this
when a man becomes a kid again
there are chances he might miss

and she said I'm here for you
she said that it's okay
just do what you need to do
don't let me get in your way

sometimes you gotta cry on a shoulder
There are times when you've got a boulder
Times when you feel far far older
more weary than you need to feel

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

little acorns.

^ the above photo is, obviously, strawberries.. On a styrofoam plate. I am pleased :] haha fun times, we had this and a bunch of food worthy of dipping in a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN! =] one of the greatest sleepovers.

Today I made a dent in my homework, well isn't that ordinary. But I feel accomplished so I'm mentioning it.

My friend is coming over any minute and we're gonna go to church at sixish. that is always fun. Speaking of church, later i'm gonna post some thoughts about the first few paragraphs of james chapter 2 and some other passages connected to it. Hope you look forward to it =] it's a bit more than what I normally post [so far] haha.

Halloween is this weekend! What are YOU dressing up as? Post some fun pics and i will too! I'm going as Johnny Cash, since he is awesome and all. Not to mention an easy costume. All you need are some black cowboy boots, a black cowboy hat, and a back button down dress shirt. Well, I guess that's easy if you know girls who are into country and live in Texas. I borrowed the hat and boots and bought the shirt myself :] it's gonna be fun.

So my writing assignment this week is to take these five Aesop's Fables and rewrite them in my own words. I did the same thing a couple years ago in a different class, but it's gonna be fun anyways. And easy. ha. I already got two of them done. Woot woot! Maybe i'll post them after all the revisions. =]

Allrighty. Song lyric of the day! I'll make it shorter this time... ^.^;;;

Take all your problems
And rip 'em apart
Carry them off
In a shopping cart
And another thing
You should've known from the start
The problems in hand
Are lighter than at heart
Be like the squirrel, girl
Be like the squirrel
Give it a whirl, girl
Be like the squirrel
- Little Acorns, The White Stripes


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First post!

Happy birthday to mee! Or my journal, rather. In case you're wondering, the drawing above is of a campfire. In Gatlinburg. Yeyuh. Fun times =]

So yeah. I'm really, really into drawing. i'm in a class :] but that's all just still lifes, which are fun, but you can't be creative :/ later today i'm gonna practice drawing lips & hands, just 'cause they're so hard and I wanna get past that, haha.

I decided I need a Song Lyric of the Day here. To make things more interesting, and to find a way to connect with any readers I might have ahha yeah right. Since my friends are currently brainwashing me with country music, you're gonna see a lot of country mentioned here.
[coughcough Country isn't all I listen to Coughcoughcough]

song lyric of the day;

Well, it's a long, hot night
And the stars are shining kinda extra bright
Sitting on the back porch glidin'
Whetting my appetite

Well, I'm a six-pack high
Ans start missing the light of my baby's eyes
Wasn't it beautiful, the kind of a soul they said would never die

Well, ti's muggy in the shack
And the backwoods are black
'Cause the clouds hid the moon away
The light from my cigarette flickers in the dark
The only way she knows I'm here
Then suddenly the sounds of the fiddles and accordions
Sweetly begin to play and I can almost hear her sweet voice say...

Come on Joe, just count to ten
Pull yourself together again
And come on Joe, you gotta get hold of this mood you're in
Come on Joe, You gotta be strong
You're still young and life goea on to carry on
'Til we're together again

--Come On Joe, George Strait

Since my day was boring I've got nothin else to say currently, so see you tomorrow! or the day after! Hurray! haha =]
